No. 1 (2024)
Digital technologies in mathematics teaching

Teaching mathematics using digital learning platforms: analysis of local experience
Valentyn Ryndiuk
Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University

Published 2024-08-06


  • digital platforms, teaching mathematics, digital competence, distance learning

How to Cite

Teaching mathematics using digital learning platforms: analysis of local experience. (2024). Didactics of Mathematics: Theory, Experience, Innovations, 1, 72-80.


In order to overcome the current challenges facing the mathematical and methodical educational community, there is a need to study and analyze the existing domestic experience in using digital educational platforms in the education of mathematics students. This article examines certain aspects of the Ukrainian experience of using educational platforms in education and analyzes the results of research on the impact of digital educational platforms on the quality of mathematics education at school. By applying digital learning platforms in the learning process, the mathematics teacher acquires a new role and meaning: he becomes the coordinator of the effective continuous and comprehensive development of the student. The student, using digital resources during lessons, as well as during homework, engages in active and dynamic mental activity. We believe that the educational process needs and undergoes such changes due to the use of digital educational platforms. According to the teachers of Vinnytsia, the use of digital resources in the process of teaching mathematics is necessary and useful, first of all, in order to present abstract mathematical concepts more clearly for students. Accompanying educational texts with new information technologies within a certain digital platform contributes to the student's interest in learning mathematics, and also helps to activate the educational and cognitive, project and research activities of students and strengthen their independence in mastering mathematical and digital competencies. The article clarifies the level of readiness of mathematics teachers in a particular region to actively use digital platforms in educational and methodological activities.


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