Swimming system of student in physical education at university: prospects of the research


  • Ivan Hlukhov Kherson State University
  • Maryan Pityn Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after Ivan Boberskyj




problems, directions, scientific search, improvement, swimming, students


Actuality. The branch of physical culture and sports is one of the strategic directions of realization tasks of building healthy lifestyle, from the standpoint of physical and psychological society aspects. Taking into account the clear priorities that underlying the physical education process of youth students, it is imperative for them to master by system of applied skills. According to traditional beliefs, that confirmed over a long period of practical and scientific search, among these are acquisition by students motor and swimming skills. The purpose – to find out prospects of research theoretical and methodical substantiation of students’ teaching swimming system in physical education at Ukrainian Universities. Methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific data and methodical sources and information from Internet, historical, logical and system analysis, analysis and synthesis, modeling.

Results and key conclusions. Information summarizing gives grounds for highlighting the problematic field that related to the updated structure of future specialists’ competencies in various activity fields, unsatisfactory health level of modern youth students, high applied value of swimming, decrease of physical education amount in institutions of higher education. It happens against the backdrop of underestimation of efficiency swimming means, lack of quality organizational and methodological support of this process, variability of target units and factors of students’ motivation, mandatory of practical swimming skills in the structure of a harmoniously developed personality. The need to maintain the optimum level of physical activity determines the actual direction, scientific and applied problem of substantiation a systematic approach to teaching students to swim, which will take into account the existing experience and modern requirements, student as the main link in the process and objectivity of the providing criteria of higher education institutions.


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