


health of the nation, physical activity, healthy lifestyle, physical culture teacher, increases in physical activity


Relevance of the research topic. The WHO Global Action Plan on Physical Activity 2018-2030, developed in the People's Republic of China, sets strategic goals for reducing the time spent by young people in inactivity Goal. The article discusses the problem of reforming the Chinese youth physical education system, which is associated with the insufficient physical activity of youth in schools, and the importance of implementing improved physical education programs. Research methods. Retrospective and comparativehistorical methods; generalization of information resources of the Internet regarding the history of physical education in China’s development process. The results. There are many new trends in reforming the physical education teachers system, contrasting the education teachers system, which contrasts the government’s demand for increased physical education and health courses and classes. Therefore, the future of the People’s Republic of China is oriented on the concepts of physical education teachers’ training. Conclusion. China is facing significant public health challenges related to social and demographic changes and changing lifestyles. Public health in China concerns with the increasing rate of overweight and obesity among youth in the country, coupled with the low prevalence of adolescents meeting recommended levels of physical activity. The reality of advances in modern technology (Internet, smartphones, video games) have significantly reduced the amount of time Chinese schoolchildren spend exercising on playgrounds and in public gyms. Limited access to school and community resources, especially in rural areas, further reduces opportunities for children to engage in physical education and participate in other modern and traditional sports activities. The process of Reforming China’s youth physical education system to address insufficient physical activity in schools includes: reducing the academic load experienced by students and increasing time for physical education; reforming the current physical education program with an emphasis on increasing the time spent studying at school; creation within the school of opportunities for students to participate in sports and physical education; integration of the problem of physical education of youth in China.

Author Biography

  • Ihor Folvarochny

    Національний університет фізичного виховання і спорту України


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