Morphological profile of cheerleaders at the stage of initial training


  • Юрій Крикун Національний університет фізичного виховання і спорту України



anthropometry, anthropometric indices, cheerleading, young sportswomen, asthenicity


Relevance of the research topic. Improving the
efficiency of children's and youth sports
schools and Olympic reserve schools, which
play a leading role in the training of high-class
athletes, is unthinkable without serious
research in the field of sports science.
Diagnostics and evaluation of the state of
spatial organization of the body of young
cheerleaders in the conditions of a sports
school is of both theoretical and practical
interest. The purpose of the article is to
determine the indicators of the morphological
profile of cheerleaders aged 6-8 years.
Material and methods of the research. During
the experiment 27 girls cheerleaders of 6-8
years old of CheerNika club (Kyiv) were
involved. Such research methods as analysis of
scientific and methodical literature and
documentary materials, anthropometry,
pedagogical experiment were used to fulfill the
set purpose. The results obtained during the
research were processed using the methods of
mathematical statistics. Results of the work.
The conducted research allowed to obtain
average results of length and body weight of
sportswomen, the indicators of which
correspond to age and sex norms. The body
length of young cheerleaders increases from 6
to 8 years by 10.82 cm (S = 5.19 cm). The
study also allowed us to obtain indicators of
anthropometric indices from the standpoint of
verification of asthenicity. Of concern is the
fact that many indices in young cheerleaders
show signs of asthenicity, which can be
considered anthropometric markers of
connective tissue dysplasia, so these athletes
need in-depth research. Key conclusions: The
data obtained as a result of the research show
that the development of young cheerleaders
aged 6-8 years occurs according to well-known
patterns. All anthropometric indicators
increase with age. According to some indices,
in particular the Pirke and Brugsch indexes, signs of asthenicity are observed in 100% of
the studied six-year-olds.

Author Biography

  • Юрій Крикун, Національний університет фізичного виховання і спорту України

    Крикун Ю.;;; Національний
    університет фізичного виховання і спорту України, вул. Фізкультури, 1, м. Київ, 03150,


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