Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024)
Theory and methods of vocational education

The architecture of a modern study guide for higher education: from idea to implementation

Volodymyr Zabolotnyi
Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University
Natalya Mislitska
Communal institution of higher education «Vinnytsia Humanitarian and Pedagogical College»

Published 2024-10-17


  • educational books, manuals of the new format, design textbook, text, extra-textual components, multimedia support, academic discipline, higher education, professional training

How to Cite

The architecture of a modern study guide for higher education: from idea to implementation. (2024). Mathematics, Informatics, Physics: Science and Education, 1(2), 220-227. https://doi.org/10.31652/3041-1955/2024-01-02-12


This article deals with the problems of designing a textbook for higher school of the new format. Based on the analysis of works on the theory of the textbook describes the structural components of textbook - text and extra-textual components, their functions and new approaches to their design for a new paradigm of higher education. The basic requirements for the design of the text component benefits, namely compliance with general didactic principles, specific features of the discipline - taking into account the characteristics of the text (logical presentation of materials, complexity and difficulty of the text style).It described in detail the structure of the components extra-textual components. A new format of textbook is benefits - a printed version with hyperlinks as thumbnails (the variant extra-textual komonenta), which are activated in its electronic counterpart is multimedia support different levels of interactivity for the effective organization of learning activities of students.


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