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general education course in chemistry, subject competence in chemistry, professionally oriented teaching, institutions of professional pre-higher education

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STUDYING THE GENERAL EDUCATIONAL COURSE OF CHEMISTRY IN MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS OF VOCATIONAL HIGHER EDUCATION AS A PEDAGOGICAL PROBLEM. (2024). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 6, 89-95.


In the course of the research, theoretical methods of scientific research were used as analysis, comparison and generalization. Analysis of dissertation research by domestic scientists has shown the multi-vector nature of approaches to solving methodological problems of teaching chemistry in medical institutions of professional pre-higher education. The models of integrative-differentiated, professionally oriented and innovative teaching proposed by scientists demonstrate significant potential in improving the quality of students' chemical training. An important achievement is the creation of effective pedagogical conditions, the development of educational and methodological materials and the integration of modern information technologies that provide motivation for independent learning, increase the level of professional competence and contribute to the formation of a holistic system of knowledge. However, the analyzed dissertation studies do not reveal the problem of forming subject competence in chemistry in medical college students in the process of studying the general education course in chemistry, which is precisely what explains its relevance and prospects for further scientific research. Taking into account the analysis of dissertation studies and modern requirements for the organization of general education training of students of medical institutions of professional pre-higher education, as well as the didactic significance of the subject "Chemistry" for the formation of professional competence of a future medical worker, it was determined that the main promising direction of our own scientific research on the formation of subject competence in chemistry in students is the implementation of professionally oriented teaching of the general education course in chemistry

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