On the basis of the analysis of literary sources the contribution of the Polish scientist Wlodzimierz Dzieduszycki (1825-1899) to the development of natural sciences research was considered. His role in the making of the local lore movement in Ukraine was found out. The biographical data and creative achievement of the Polish researcher were analyzed. The scientific achievement of the Polish scientist is noted for its scientific quality and purposefulness.
The article is noted for topicality for the needs of modern historiography, it returns to the present society the forgotten figure of the Polish scientist V. Dzieduszycki and rejects the inherent ideological obsession of Soviet historiography in describing of this figure. The mastering of the creative heritage of Polish historiography will undoubtedly contribute to the advancement of Ukrainian historical science, as the scientist has shown himself as an outstanding personality of Ukrainian natural science and its history.
The main attention is paid to the creative and social activities of the Polish scientist, the value of his natural, museum, and journalistic works for the development of science and Ukrainian studies.
The preconditions of creation of the first private natural museum by the Polish researcher in Lviv are examined, the exhibits and library stocks, their nomenclature and condition, the correspondence of the development of contemporary scientific natural opinion, and also the influence of the museum on the social life of the region are outlined. He was one of the first who was able to express the unbreakable link between man and nature through the museum expedition and guessed the coming era of biosphere thinking without mistakes.
The Polish scientist was also engaged in organization of local and international exhibitions. In addition to his natural activities, he was a patron. He sponsored the talented scholars and researchers from small Galician towns and villages. V. Dzieduszycki admired the hunting. It was revealed in his participation in many societies, whose activities were associated with the preservation and increase of the Galician fauna. He becomes the main founder of the Galician Hunting Society, which in 1876 began its activity in Lviv.
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