Publication Ethics

Publication Ethics

In its publishing activity, the editorial board is guided by the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics)

Ethical obligations of the editorial board of the journal

The editorial board considers without preconception all manuscripts submitted for publication, objectively assessing quality of the scientific article, regardless of race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, citizenship or political views of the author, as well as position or place of work of the author (authors). The editorial board makes fair and impartial decisions independent of commercial or other interests, and ensures an honest review process.

The editorial board of the collection opposes falsification, plagiarism, submission  of the same work to several journals by the author, multiple copying of the article contents in various works, misleading the public about the actual contribution of the authors to the publication.

The editor and members of the editorial board do not provide other persons with information related to the content of the manuscript under consideration, except for persons participating in the professional evaluation of this manuscript. After a positive decision of the editor the article is published in the journal and posted on the appropriate electronic resources.

Ethical obligations of reviewers

Manuscript review is an important step in publication process. Each scientist is obliged to perform certain work of the peer review process.

The reviewer must give an objective assessment of the quality of a manuscript as well as determine whether a manuscript meets high scientific and literary standards. The reviewer must respect  intellectual independence of authors.

The reviewer must substantiate his conclusions convincingly enough and provide timely feedback on the manuscript.

The manuscript sent for review is a confidential document. The reviewer should not use or disclose unpublished information contained in this manuscript without a consent of the author or authors.

In any case, if the reviewer is in some way in a position that can cause a conflict of interest arising from communication with institutions or organizations (political, scientific, editorial, etc.) which concern the subject of the manuscript, then they have to inform about this the editorial board, which will send the paper to another expert within the relevant field.

Ethical obligations of authors

The main responsibility of the author is to provide an accurate account of the research conducted as well as an objective discussion of its significance. Authors must present their results clearly and unambiguously without falsifying data or improperly manipulating it.

The authors of the articles are fully responsible for the content of the articles and for the very fact of their publication.

The author should cite those publications that have had a decisive influence on the essence of the work presented as well as those that can quickly acquaint the reader with earlier works that are essential  for understanding of this study. It is also necessary to properly indicate the sources of the fundamentally important materials used in this scientific work, if these materials were not obtained by the author himself.

It is unaaceptable to present plagiarism as an original work and submit a previously published article for publication. In cases where these facts are revealed the authors of the submitted materials are held responsible.

The co-authors of the article should be all those individuals who have made a significant scientific contribution to the work presented and who share responsibility for the results obtained. The author submitting a manuscript for publication is responsible for ensuring that only those individuals who meet the criterion of authorship are included in the list of co-authors and assumes responsibility for the consent of other authors of the article to its publication in the journal.

Authors should advise the editor of any potential conflict of interest that might be influenced by the publication of the results contained in this manuscript.

Authors must clearly indicate the sources of all cited or presented information and have properly formatted references of literature sources used in the work in accordance with the established requirements.

If the author reveals significant errors or inaccuracies in the article at the stage of its consideration or after its publication it is necessary to inform the editorial office of the journal as soon as possible.

The editorial board has the right to refuse to publish the article in case of non-compliance with the requirements of the editorial board.

Conflict of Interest

Conflict of Interest can exist when the author (or the institution he works for), an independent reviewer, one of the members of the editorial board, has financial or personal relations that may negatively influence their relations. This conflict can exist, even if the subject claims that he is not affected by such relations. Editors can manage such conflicts by trying to avoid them in all possible ways and, at the same time, to work with maximum transparency in all cases.

 As a rule, in order to avoid potential conflicts of interest, the policy of the journal is to avoid reviewing or discussing publications written or edited by one of the editors and their close relatives, or published in an issue in which any editor plays an exclusive role.


Authors who are published in this journal agree to the following terms:

Authors reserve the right to the authorship of their scientific research and transfer to the journal the right to the first publication of this scientific work under the terms of Creative Commons CC-BY license (the current version is CC-BY, version 4.0) which allows other persons to freely distribute the published scientific work with mandatory reference to the authors of the original scientific work and the first publication of scientific work in this journal.

The author preserve the right, without the consent of the editorial board and the founders of publication: to use article materials wholly or partially for educational purposes; to use article materials wholly or partially to write our own theses; to use article materials for the preparation of abstracts, conference reports, and oral presentations; to post electronic copies of the article (including the final electronic version downloaded from the official web-site of the journal) on: personal web-resources of all the authors (web-sites, web-pages, blogs, etc.); web-resource of the institutions employing the authors (including electronic institutional repositories); noncommercial web-resources of open access.