Article Review
All materials (articles) sent to the editorial board, except for reviews of scientific publications, are subject to the review procedure. The peer review procedure is focused on the most objective assessment of the scientific article content, determination of its compliance with the requirements of the journal and involves a comprehensive analysis of the strenths and weaknesses of the article. Peer review contributes to the strict selection of author's manuscripts for publication and making specific recommendations on them. Only those articles are accepted for publication that have scientific value and contribute to solving urgent economic issues and tasks.
The editorial board has determined the following procedure for reviewing manuscripts:
- Materials sent to the editorial board by e-mail are checked for compliance with the profile of the journal and the rules for preparing articles, and are checked for plagiarism. Manuscripts that do not correspond to the subject matter or requirements, have signs of plagiarism are not registered and are not allowed for further consideration, about which the editorial board notifies the authors. The decision to accept an article for consideration is made within 7 days.
- The editorial board decides on the possibility of publishing articles only after the review procedure is completed. The journal uses a double blind peer review system for all manuscripts submitted to the editorial board, with the aim of peer review. In this case, both the reviewer and the author are anonymous and are unknown to each other. All manuscripts submitted to the editorial board, without indicating the author's surname, are sent to independent anonymous reviewers. Only the manuscripts which have received one and, if necessary, two reviewer’s approvals, are allowed to be printed by the editorial board's decision.
- The leading scholars of Ukraine, as well as foreign experts with works in the field of archeology, history, history of international relations, in particular, having publications within 5 last years on the subject of the paper under review, are involved in the reviewing. The reviews are preserved in the editorial office of the journal for 3 years. The editorial board of the journal sends the authors of the submitted materials a summary of reviewers’ comments or a motivated refusal. In the event that both reviews are negative, the author receives a refusal to publish, without disclosing the content of the reviews to him.
- Article review is carried out according to the following criteria:: originality and scientific novelty of the article; completeness and representativeness of the source base; consideration of modern research on the issue; validity of scientific statements and conclusions; compliance with the requirements for the article structure; literacy and stylistics of the material; correctness of quotations. The review procedure duration is usually 30 days. In some cases the review deadlines may vary to create the conditions for the most objective assessment of the quality of submitted materials.
- In case of the reviewer's recommendations on making corrections to the prepared manuscript the article is sent to the author with a suggestion to take into account comments when preparing an updated version of the article or to refute them with arguments. The corrected version is re-submitted to the reviewer for making a decision and preparing a reasoned opinion on the possibility of publication. The editorial board reserves the right to reject the article in case of inability or unwillingness of the author to consider recommendations and comments of reviewers.
- The article publication recommendation date is considered to be the date when the editorial board received positive conclusion from the reviewer (or the editorial board resolution) about the expediency and possibility of the article publication. After receiving positive reviews the copy is sent for literary and technical editing.
- Recommendation to publish the next issue of the journal (with instructions) is made by the Academic Council of Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University and recorded in the relevant protocol.