At the current scientific literary the Ukrainian peasantry at the beginning of the twentieth century look like a patriarchal social masa, low skilled for the perseption of modernization. 1920s – 1930s in the history of peasantry are treated as the evils of the traditional rural and rural mentality in full communist ideology. As a result, the changes of the social status of peasantry in historiography are less visible as a product of civilian ownership. The purpose of the article is to show a violation of the sociocultural identity of the Ukrainian peasantry, not due to the political of Bolshevik regime. Ukranian peasantry of the one third of the twentieth century was a patriarchal faith. The peasant rejected an announcement about polythene, plant and animal breeding, fertilization, the latest tools. At this time the beginning of the twentieth century was marked in the process of peasantry social and economical modernization. The structure of modernized trends was most favored by cooperative state grants. At the same time the beginning of the century was formed by the villagers who refused of the most traditional ways of giving and putting on the household in the new, agricultural technology and organizational forms. At the beginning of the twentieth century such peasants were called «new grain growers», in the 1920s – «cultural owners» and «brilliant masters». The co-operative peasants and the «new grain growers» came from socialistic and modern villages, solve the problems of agricultural production with the possibility of radical agro-technical and infrastructural improvement of the rural culture. Batches of «new grain growers» were small. However, the process of deep social and cultural transformation progressively populated the village. The result of this was an improvement of the peasant farming yield, which is at the end of the 19th century and first ten years of the 20th century in different regions of Ukraine matured from 18% to 33%. The layer formation of the «cultural masters» was suspended, the thought looked at a revolutionary place in the sphere of culture and agrocultural work. The social culture of the rural governorate at the one third of the twentieth century was not monolithic. The main part of the agricultural common became well-bread peasants on the traditional values. At the same time the layer formation having become on the hats of modernization of their own state on the basis of the social science achievements. It means that we are prepared for the introduction of traditional methods of economical activities, the new methods of cultivating the land, the maintenance of advanced technology, the rationalization of the state of the art, and the improvement of the state of the art. This layer signifying fundamental shifts in the peasant outlook, the beginning of the formation pruned in the cultural, intellectual and professionally educated villagers, adapted to the conditions of modernization,commodity production and market economics.
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