Main problems of reconstruction of medical institutions of Vinnytsia region in the second half of the 1940s-early 1950s.
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How to Cite

Shkolnikova, T. (2019). Main problems of reconstruction of medical institutions of Vinnytsia region in the second half of the 1940s-early 1950s. Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Series History, 30, 49-54.



  The article deals with the problems of restoration, establishment and functioning of the health care system of Vinnytsia region in the first decade after the Second World War.  In particular, the author of the article notes that in the first post-war years the problem of reconstruction of medical establishments of Vinnytsia region became one of the most acute problems, and thus required its early solution.  Analyzing the work of the medical network of the region, the author notes the effectiveness of its activity, which resulted in a significant improvement in the quality of medical services provided to the population of the region.  However, despite these achievements, the article places considerable emphasis on addressing a number of unresolved issues that the command-and-administrative system faced at that time.

 Such problems include: unsatisfactory organization of ambulance services in cities and rayon centers, due to insufficient availability of vehicles;  unsatisfactory organization of the supply of health workers with food and industrial goods, including bread;  lack of adequate financing of the medical sphere by the state.

 At the same time, the issues of the quality of medical care, the relationship between the growth of capital investments in the industry and health indicators of the population, and the solution of the problem of provision of medical personnel, especially in remote areas of the region, remained out of the attention of the then Soviet leadership.  

Last but not least, the disadvantages were played by such responsibilities as the irresponsibility of regional and individual heads of districts, who often did not understand the importance of health care for the development of society, which in general affected the quality of health care of the region.  There were also indications of such negative factors as the bureaucratic nature of the Soviet state system, the persecution of quantitative indicators, the lack of initiative on the ground, the willingness to exclusively execute "top" instructions, etc.

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