The article is devoted to the analysis of historiographical views of D. Bagaliy on the development of Ukrainian studies in the first post-revolutionary decade. It was found that the Kharkov academician considered the main achievements of modern times: 1) the institutionalization of scientific Ukrainian studies; 2) centralization, rationalization of archival cases and research work; 3) planning in the development of Ukrainian history; 4) formation and development of the Marxist concept of Ukrainian history. The article reveals that D. Bagaliy was the first to propose a periodization of the development of post-October Ukrainian historiographic process, identifying its three main stages. The first period (1917-1919) was associated with the Bolshevik revolution. According to D. Bagaliy, it completed the preliminary stage of Ukrainian historical science. Its main achievements were the organization of the UAS and Ukrainian universities (Poltava History and Philology Faculty, Kyiv University and Kamyanets-Podilsky University), the creation of "Nashe mynule" (Our past) journal and foundation of Ukrainian publishing houses in Kyiv, Katerynoslav, Kharkov, Poltava, Cherkasy. The second stage (1920-1922) was a period of civil war, foreign invasion, changes of power, famine, lack of funds for scientific and publishing enterprises, which led to a decrease in quantitative and qualitative indicators of scientific work. The third stage (1923-1927 biennium) was the period of the stabilization of cultural construction, the emergence of a new system of research institutions. The scientists' assessments of works of M. Yavorsky, M. Slabchenko, O. Ogloblin, D. Doroshenko, V. Lypynsky and others are also investigated. The article concludes about the importance of the historiographic heritage of Kharkiv academician for modern researchers of Ukrainian science.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University. Series: History