The peculiarities of organizing pedagogical courses in Podillia in the first quarter of the twentieth century


pedagogical courses, Podillia, professional preparation of the teacher

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The peculiarities of organizing pedagogical courses in Podillia in the first quarter of the twentieth century. (2023). Pedeutology, 1(2), 74-79.


Based on archival and literary sources, the article examines the history of the creation of Vinnytsia short-term pedagogical courses for school, preschool and out-of-school education workers, Higher permanent 3-year pedagogical courses (Vinnytsia, Tulchyn, Bershad, Olgopil, Haysyn, Tyvriv, Khmilnyk, Nemyriv, Zholoby, etc.), which were established to provide teachers for all types of schools in Podillia in the first quarter of the twentieth century. The changes and innovations in the educational process of pedagogical courses have been considered, the peculiarities of the professional training of future teachers in the history of the formation of the national pedagogical system have been highlighted. It has been proven that pedagogical courses were almost the only pedagogical training that provided the retraining of teachers in the conditions of the transition period of pedagogical education, and as a result - the actual lack of professional training of future teachers, which negatively affected the entire educational system of Podillia, where graduates of pedagogical courses were working. It has been proven that pedagogical education has undergone numerous reforms and will continue to require in-depth study in the first quarter of the twentieth century in Podillia. Pedagogical courses were intended to improve the professional training of future teachers, to upgrade their future activities - to systematize purely pedagogical training, to acquaint them with the basics of didactics and methodology, with the best methods and techniques of teaching. It has been proven that, during the researched period of practice, the courses were assigned the same tasks that were to be performed by the pedagogical educational institutions, however, they could not replace the training of teachers in special pedagogical educational institutions. 



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