Actual problems of physical education and methods of sports training

Academic Journal

No. 3 (2024)
Modern ports training system and the problems of its improvement

Modern perspectives and practical experience in structuring the final preparation stage for female athletes in complex coordination sports (based on cheerleading)

Shynkaruk Oksana
National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine
Andriienko Hanna
National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine

Published 2024-12-20


  • cheerleading, complex coordination sports, final preparation stage, training process, adaptation, delayed training effect

How to Cite

Modern perspectives and practical experience in structuring the final preparation stage for female athletes in complex coordination sports (based on cheerleading). (2024). Actual Problems of Physical Education and Methods of Sports Training, 3, 98-111.


The preparation of athletes in complex coordination sports, such as cheerleading, requires the development and implementation of specialized training methods focused on enhancing physical, technical, tactical, and psychological skills. Modern approaches emphasize the need for a comprehensive and individualized approach that aligns with the specific demands of this sport, where team interaction and high coordination play a critical role.

Purpose of the study: to analyze modern approaches and develop the final preparation stage for competitions in complex coordination sports, using cheerleading as an example, with a focus on the development of physical fitness, technical skills, psychological resilience, and the optimization of the training process to achieve high athletic performance.

Research material and methods: to determine the characteristics of competition composition in the performance cheer-freestyle duet discipline, an analysis of international and national competition protocols was conducted. Statistical data analysis was performed using nonparametric methods of mathematical statistics with the STATISTICA 10.0 software. The study involved four athletes, organized into two duets.

Results: an algorithm for the final preparation stage was proposed, comprising two mesocycles: the control-preparation and pre-competition mesocycles. The control-preparation mesocycle is aimed at raising fitness levels through planned high-intensity loads, while the pre-competition mesocycle allows for a reduction in load, ensuring complete physical and psychological recovery and achieving a delayed training effect. Key components of the algorithm include the rational distribution of training loads, individualized training, and the use of modern monitoring technologies. This model helps prevent overtraining, maintain a high level of readiness, and improve performance.

Conclusion. The study confirmed the effectiveness of the developed algorithm for structuring the final preparation stage in complex coordination sports, particularly cheerleading. Accounting for the specific characteristics of competition activity allows for the rational distribution of training loads between the control-preparation and pre-competition mesocycles, facilitating optimal adaptation and peak athletic form at the time of competition.


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