- martial arts, special physical fitness, physical qualities, young athletes
Topicality. Taekwondo is a Korean martial art and an Olympic sport distinguished by its emphasis on using legs for strikes and throws. Unlike other Korean martial arts, taekwondo does not involve the use of weapons, as the human body itself is considered a formidable weapon. Developing speed-strength qualities in the preparation of athletes specializing in taekwondo is essential, as improving their athletic performance is based on a high potential for developing physical qualities. Therefore, at various stages of long-term training, targeted use of tools to develop speed-strength qualities is fundamental to training athletes.
The purpose of the study. The study aimed to determine the level of physical fitness of young athletes aged 14–15 who specialize in taekwondo.
Material and methods of the study. The following methods were used in the study: analysis of literary sources, pedagogical observation, surveys of leading taekwondo coaches, pedagogical testing and methods of mathematical statistics.
Results of the study. The analysis of the physical fitness of young athletes revealed the following findings: in the 30-meter sprint (high start), the control group achieved an average time of 4.64±0.23 seconds, while the experimental group averaged 4.73±0.21 seconds. In the standing long jump, the control group reached 2.28±0.13 meters, while the experimental group achieved 2.25±0.13 meters. In the push-up exercise (flexion and extension of arms in a prone position) performed in 30 seconds, the control group completed 35.77±2.96 repetitions, while the experimental group completed 35.17±2.95 repetitions. In the sit-up exercise performed in 30 seconds, the control group achieved 31.17±2.45 repetitions, while the experimental group achieved 30.37±2.84 repetitions. In the side kick speed test, the control group completed the exercise in 5.65±0.30 seconds, while the experimental group completed it in 5.78±0.25 seconds.
Conclusions. Based on scientific and methodological literature and personal experience, priority directions for the development of physical qualities were identified. An analysis of physical fitness indicators, specifically speed-strength qualities, was conducted.
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