No. 1 (2024)
Methodological science to a math teacher

Improving the computational competence of high school students during mathematics
Vasyl Shvets
Dragomanov Ukrainian State University

Published 2024-06-19


  • mathematics, secondary school, computational competence, basic elementary functions, applied problem, approximate calculations

How to Cite

Improving the computational competence of high school students during mathematics. (2024). Didactics of Mathematics: Theory, Experience, Innovations, 1, 7-20.


Implementation of the applied orientation of the school mathematics course takes place in various ways, one of which is solving of applied problems of economic, natural, financial and other content. Numerical data in such problems are usually considered as approximate values of quantities. In order to operate such data, it is necessary to have the skills and abilities to perform approximate calculations, that is, to be competent in performing such calculations. In the recent past, such competence of students was carefully formed in senior school. They were taught to perform calculations using four-digit mathematical tables, the author of which was Volodymyr Bradis. School textbooks had many exercises, applied problems for performing calculations. A sufficient amount of methodological recommendations and advice on how to successfully form the appropriate skills and abilities was given in appropriate literature. The appearance of new, powerful computing tools, calculators, modern computers, etc., opened up new opportunities for forming the computing competence of schoolchildren in modern conditions.

In the article, on examples of solving problems, in particular applied ones, appropriate methodical advice, sample solutions, the culture of mathematical records regarding the formation of computational competence of students are presented in the background. The author emphasizes the need to fill: in new generation mathematics programs with clear requirements for the formation of students’ abilities and skills in performing approximate calculations during the study of educational topics; in alternative textbooks of the new generation with exercises and problems for calculating the values of functions and expressions, in particular, applied problems of economic, financial, natural, etc. content. After all, today, the computing competence of a schoolchild is essentially interdisciplinary.


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