No. 2 (2024)
Methodological training of math teachers

Retrospective review of dissertations by ukrainian researchers on the theory and methodology of mathematics education
Olha Matiash
Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyubynsky State Pedagogical University
Karina Yashchuk
Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyubynsky State Pedagogical University

Published 2024-12-26


  • the history of the development of Ukrainian methodological science,
  • dissertation research,
  • theory and methodology of teaching mathematics,
  • methodological training of future mathematics teachers

How to Cite

Retrospective review of dissertations by ukrainian researchers on the theory and methodology of mathematics education. (2024). Didactics of Mathematics: Theory, Experience, Innovations, 2, 95-108.


In this article, we conduct a retrospective review of dissertation research by Ukrainian mathematics educators in the field of 13.00.02 Theory and Methodology of Mathematics Education, covering the historical period from the mid-20th century to 2024. We consider this review useful for substantiating the need for knowledge about the development of methodological science (mathematics) in the process of forming the methodological competence of future mathematics teachers. Referring to the creative scholarly contributions of prominent Ukrainian mathematics educators and highlighting their methodological views in the context of historical epochs serves as an effective tool for researching and reconstructing facts about methodological science.

Specifically, we provide a concise analysis of dissertations (Hlushkov P.M. (1952), Hichiy O.F. (1960), Danyliuk P.F. (1971), L.V. Kuzmych (1998)), which explore specific historical aspects of the development of Ukrainian methodological science. The information we collected about the number of dissertation studies conducted in Ukraine in various research areas during the historical period from the mid-20th century to 2024 is reflected in a table. We analyzed the topics of nearly 300 dissertations. In our study, the analysis of dissertation topics performs several functions: to identify the achievements of Ukrainian methodology in mathematics education as a science, to clarify the main trends in research on the didactics of mathematics over different time periods, and to determine the relevance and level of research on the history of the development of Ukrainian methodological science. Reform processes in the field of school mathematics education since the second half of the 20th century are interconnected with the results of dissertation research in the specialty 13.00.02 Theory and Methodology of Mathematics Education conducted in Ukraine during this period. The quantitative analysis of dissertation research conducted in Ukraine in various research areas allowed us to clarify the relevance of dissertation topics over different time periods and, accordingly, the trends in the development of the theory and methodology of mathematics education in Ukraine.

Turning to the national methodological heritage and understanding contemporary national achievements in methodological science has significant scientific and practical importance, as it is a vital component in forming the national-patriotic consciousness of teachers and should contribute to the development of the methodological culture of creative mathematics educators.


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