No. 1 (2024)
Methodological science to a math teacher

International mathematical competitions: objectives and features of attracting students
Olha Matiash
Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University
Mykhailo Kryvosheia
Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University
Tetiana Zbozhynska
City Center for Integration into the European and World Educational Space

Published 2024-06-19


  • international mathematical competitions, educational international communities, International Committee of Mathematical Competitions, development of intellectual gifts

How to Cite

International mathematical competitions: objectives and features of attracting students. (2024). Didactics of Mathematics: Theory, Experience, Innovations, 1, 21-32.


In the countries of Europe and the world, along with state educational institutions that take care of organizing mathematical and other intellectual competitions for children, international public associations of scientists and educators are gaining more and more importance. Mathematical competitions of students are considered as one of the ways of awakening children's interest in learning the basics of science in general and mathematics in particular, they are seen as one of the means of nurturing the abilities and talents of the younger generation. In the article, the key goals of international student mathematics competitions held under the auspices of non-governmental scientific and educational international communities are highlighted; the organizational aspects of certain such competitions are considered; attention is focused on the specifics of their implementation. In essence, the International Committee of Mathematical Competitions is a generator (initiator) of new, original in content and form of mathematical student competitions. The committee introduces a wide geography of popularization and distribution of its innovations in the countries of the world, as a result of which more and more new mathematical competitions acquire international status. The principles of "Mathematics for All" and "Mathematics without Borders" are the cornerstones of the Committee's activities. Such activity serves to gather on democratic principles the efforts of scientists and practicing teachers of the countries of the world with the aim of developing the intellectual abilities and gifts of children, with the aim of popularizing the most successful projects of the countries of the world regarding the organization of international mathematical competitions for children. Popularization of modern achievements of mathematical science and the history of the development of mathematics; creation of conditions for direct communication of children with leading scientists; promotion of gender policy and inclusive approaches in involving children in mathematics classes; fostering the idea of the need for learning and intellectual self-improvement throughout life is a task that educators around the world find necessary and at the same time effective ways to successfully solve.


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