rogramming the tactical training of highly qualified field hockey players in the annual macrocycle


  • Maksym Perepelytsia



tactics, field hockey, model training tasks, coordination difficulty mode


The article considers the possibility of programming the tactical training of qualified field hockey players in the annual macrocycle. The algorithm of programming of means of various coordination complexity on tactical preparation in various cycles of training process is presented. The aim of the studywas to theoretically and methodically substantiate the programming of tactical training of highly qualified field hockey players in an annual macrocycle. Research methods: pedagogical observation, programming method. Results of work.The experimental construction of tactical training in the annual training cycle of highly qualified hockey players was developed on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of training programs and corresponded to modern trends in the development of field hockey. It was based on the principles of individualization, programming and modeling of the training process, took into account the peculiarities of the competition calendar and the level of tactical training of players; provided for an increase in hours for tactical training due to their redistribution from other species; application of model training tasks containing specific and nonspecific means, selectively aimed at the development of tactical skills, most necessary for a certain period of training, taking into account all components of the load. Conclusions. The presented approach to the programming of tactical training of qualified field hockey players in the annual macrocycle was tested in the training process and showed its effectivene.

Author Biography

  • Maksym Perepelytsia
    Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського


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