Healthy influence of rejective games in the physical state of children 11-12 years


  • Nataliia Ieremenko Національний університет фізичного виховання і спорту України
  • Natalia Kovaleva Національний університет фізичного виховання і спорту України
  • Marina Vasilenko Національний університет фізичного виховання і спорту України
  • Ludmila Ludmila Національний університет фізичного виховання і спорту України
  • Nataliia Konstantinovska Національний університет фізичного виховання і спорту України



physical activity, recreational activity, schoolchildren, recreational games, physical condition


Relevance of the research topic. The article is devoted to the study of the healing effect of recreational games on the physical condition of children 11-12 years old. The role of motor activity in strengthening the health of the population is today one of the main tasks of Ukraine. Motor activity is of particular importance for children and students, whose high level of health and versatile physical development are the key to successful implementation of socio-economic transformations of society. The purpose of the study is to determine the degree of influence of recreational games on the physical condition of children 11-12 years old. Research methods: analysis and generalization of special scientific and methodological literature, anthropo- metric research methods; physiological research methods; methods of express screening of the level of physical health; pedagogical research;  methods of mathematical statistics. The duration of the classes was 45 minutes. Results of work. After the study, the level of physical health in both the control group and the main group increased, the number of children with low to below average levels of physical health decreased slightly compared to the original level. Improving  physical health has been achieved by improving various indicators. Key findings. So recreational games, in the conditions of their regular visit, contribute to the improvement of physical condition, and influence the improvement of specific indicators of the level of physical development, the state of functional systems of the organism, physical performance and preparedness of children 11-12 years.



