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organic chemistry, organic compounds, educational chemical experiment, precursors

How to Cite

IMPROVEMENT OF LABORATORY WORKSHOP DURING THE STUDY OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY IN MODERN CONDITIONS. (2022). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 2, 56-67.


The purpose of the article is to analyze the features of conducting a small laboratory workshop as a means of studying the course of organic chemistry without the use of reagents included in the list of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and

During the writing of the article, such methods of scientific research as analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization were used - to find out the state of solving the researched problem in the theory and methodology of teaching chemistry, to determine the theoretical foundations of the research, as well as a chemical experiment - to conduct experimental research and proving the effectiveness of theoretical assumptions.

Based on the analysis of literary sources, the tasks, main functions and requirements for a chemical experiment in the process of learning organic chemistry are determined. It has been found that the problem of using a chemical experiment to
study the basic principles of the structure of organic compounds, methods of their synthesis and properties requires further research in order to adapt the methodology of conducting experiments to the conditions under which the use of precursors and
toxic substances is limited. The greatest attention was focused on methodological aspects of reproduction and description of experiments on the oxidation of organic compounds, since most of such experiments had to be adapted to the conditions under
which the use of potassium permanganate is prohibited.

The results of the conducted research showed the possibility of adapting the methods of a small laboratory workshop in organic chemistry to the conditions under which the use of precursors and toxic substances is excluded. As a substitute for
potassium permanganate solution, potassium chromate and potassium dichromate solutions were used and a positive result was obtained. Developed recommendations can be used for research and conducting laboratory work in laboratories of
educational institutions.

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Проводити досліди для освітніх та наукових цілей стане легше, – Уряд затвердив Порядок використання прекурсорів. URL:

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