Didactic principles of the development of educational and methodological support for the discipline «Сhemistry (for professional purposes)»
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chemistry, professionally oriented training, educational and methodological support, institutions of higher education

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Didactic principles of the development of educational and methodological support for the discipline «Сhemistry (for professional purposes)». (2023). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 3, 41-51. https://doi.org/10.31652/2786-5754-2022-3-41-51


The purpose of the article is to substantiate the didactic foundations of the development of educational and methodological support for professionally oriented chemistry training for future teachers of labor education and technology.

In the course of the research, theoretical (to study the research problem, normative educational documents, educational and methodological documentation and determine the content and methodical support for teaching chemistry) and empirical (to implement the formative stage of the pedagogical experiment, during which the effectiveness of the developed educational and methodological support was tested) were used methods of scientific research.

In the course of the research, educational and methodological support was created, which consists of educational and work programs, a study guide and an

electronic educational and methodological complex of the discipline «Chemistry (by professional direction)». The curriculum of the discipline «Chemistry (with a professional orientation)» consists of 5 sections and 13 topics and should ensure the formation of a system of knowledge in students about the composition, structure, properties of inorganic and organic substances, methods of chemical analysis necessary for the successful acquisition of professional disciplines and future professional activities . The developed study guide contains all sections of the course

«Chemistry (by professional direction)» provided by the curriculum. The structure of the textbook and its methodical apparatus orients students to a meaningful mastery of its content and facilitates the organization of both classroom and independent work. The created electronic educational and methodical complex for the discipline

«Chemistry (for professional direction)» is represented by five main blocks: syllabus, lectures, laboratory classes, independent work, control.

The results of the conducted pedagogical experiment testify to the positive dynamics of the formation of subject competence in chemistry among future teachers of labor education and technology using the developed educational and methodological support.

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