Rural clubs in the social structure of the collective farm peasants of Ukraine in the second half of 1940s-first half of 1950s.
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Romaniuk, B. (2019). Rural clubs in the social structure of the collective farm peasants of Ukraine in the second half of 1940s-first half of 1950s. Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Series History, 28, 35-40.


The article is devoted to the disclosure of the peculiarities of the situation of rural clubs of Ukraine in the social structure of the collective farm peasantry during the first postwar years. Attention is focused on problems for the Ukrainian peasantry of the first post-war years. Attention is focused on the areas of daily life associated with the work of rural club establishments of the second half of the 1940s, the first half of 1950, that are problematic for Ukrainian rural society. It has been shown that the rehabilitation of the network of rural collective-farm clubs was one of the main tasks of cultural construction in the countryside. It is noted that the material base of kolkhoz clubs was restored and developed mainly due to the scanty funds of village councils, funds and collective farms. The personnel and professional training of employees of cultural and educational institutions is analyzed. It was proved that the consolidation of collective farms in the early 1950's led to a deterioration of the state of socio-cultural work in the countryside. A significant disadvantage, which reduced the effectiveness of club work was its episodicity and irregularity. In general, few kolkhozes managed to succeed in implementing cultural programs in the countryside.

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