DOI 10.31652/2415-7872-2022-70-73-77


  • YANA NECHEPORUK Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Doctoral student of Pedagogy and Management of Education department of Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University


foreign language training, aviation specialist, civil aviation, flight school.


The effective functioning of the modern aviation industry is possible only if international rules and requirements relating to global civil aviation are met. One of these requirements is the mandatory knowledge of aviation English by an aviation specialist at the level of Operational Level 4. This article considers professional foreign language training as a basis for domestic flight education. After conducting some historical research, it was determined that for some time professional foreign language training has become a fundamental requirement and educational criterion in domestic flight education. The article also considers the problem of defining the concept of «foreign language training» in flight education. The article is devoted to the study of professional foreign language training as an integral part of modern aviation education. The author also draws attention to the definitions of the general concept of «vocational education» and presents its interpretations by various scholars. The article also identifies certain pedagogical conditions that have a positive impact on the formation of key skills of future aviation professionals. The article also defines the place of learning a foreign language in the general system of training a future aviation specialist. The article also notes that professional foreign language training is the key to a successful graduate of aviation education. Such young professionals must be prepared for professional activities in the mobile, highly competitive and technological-digital world. In the context of globalization, integration of Ukraine into the European and world space, no one doubts that for successful cooperation and interaction in the world political, economic, cultural, educational space requires knowledge of foreign languages, not only for everyday needs but also for effective professional communication. The study of the concept of "training" has led to the conclusion that it is in itself quite broad and able to combine a large number of factors. «Professional foreign language training» involves the formation of knowledge of skills and abilities needed by future aviation professionals to perform their professional activities.


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