

  • HALYNA SHULHA Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages, Vinnytsia National Technical University


: emotional self-regulation, emotional self-regulation strategies, emergency situation, extreme situation, future teachers.


The article clarifies the specifics of the emotional regulation strategy of future teachers in emergency situations. It reveals the essence of emotional self-regulation as a factor of emotional competence of the future teacher, its functions are defined, the importance of its formation and development during professional training is substantiated. The essence of understanding the concept of "emergency situation" is determined. It was found that modern realities make new demands on the teacher's professionalism regarding the ability to create a safe and comfortable educational environment in emergency situations. The teacher must be able to stabilize his own emotional state before caring for the psycho-emotional state of students, all this requires the individual to make certain cognitive efforts, that is, to use certain self-regulation strategies. Emotional self-regulation strategies are understood as a process aimed at managing one's emotional states and controlling them. It was determined that this process is characterized by features of control over emotions, intensity and frequency of use of certain styles of protection against affective situations.

It was established that the development of the ability to emotional self-regulation is one of the indicators of the readiness of future teachers to effectively perform professional tasks in emergency situations. It has been empirically determined that there is a difference in the choice of emotional regulation strategies between girls and boys who are future teachers. For girls, a typical choice in a stressful situation is cognitive re-evaluation, acceptance, rumination, perspective, while boys choose suppression of expression. Factor analysis made it possible to state that girls most often choose cognitive regulation in the process of emotional self-regulation, while boys choose emotional dysregulation. The obtained results must be taken into account when developing psychocorrective programs


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