

  • VALENTYNA BEBYKH Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, Bukovyna State Medical University,Theater Square 2, Chernivtsi
  • OLEKSANDR RAK Сandidate of Рhilological Sciences,Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, Bukovyna State Medical University,Theater Square 2, Chernivtsi


distance learning, methodological principles, computer technology, professional English, multimedia content.


The purpose of the study is to determine methods of introducing multimedia content as a basic component of the professional English language learning model of future doctors in distance learning based on previously substantiated methodological principles. The main tasks of the study are to determine the basic components of the professional English learning model in distance learning; outlining the functions of the teacher, student and multimedia content; development of a set of exercises, taking into account the parameters that allow indirect management of the student's educational activities. The relevance of the study is explained by the need to achieve an increase in the quality of students' knowledge by improving the content component and developing methodological support for teaching professional English remotely. Method of formal analysis (content analysis of scientific papers on the research topic), structural and comparative methods were used in thestudy. Generalization of the existing approaches of scientists regarding distance education and teaching professional English in a distance form has been carried out.Results. The methodical principles of the formation of the English communicative competence of the future physician in the distance learning mode as a complex of application of computer and multimedia technologies were substantiated. The basic components of the pedagogical model of learning were outlined. The functions of computer technology,multimedia support, tasks for the teacher and student opportunities were defined. Methodical supportwas developed for the formation of students' professional English communicative competence based on video materials, taking into account parameters that enable indirect management of the student's educational activities and determination of the degree of management of the educational process.


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