Legal regulation of student mobility in German universities
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student mobility, academic mobility, regulatory framework, students, Bologna Declaration, communiqué, strategy, universities, Germany

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Legal regulation of student mobility in German universities. (2024). Pedeutology, 2(1), 41-50.


This study analyses the legal framework for regulating student mobility at German universities. The authors of the article examine the legal framework for the implementation of student mobility in Germany from the perspective of international, federal and institutional levels. Using the methods of analysis, generalisation, and systematisation, the author describes international treaties (Bologna Declaration, Magna Carta of Universities, Lisbon Declaration, Sorbonne Declaration; Mobility Strategy 2020 for the European Higher Education Area (2011), Incheon Declaration (2015), Yerevan Communiqué (2015); federal laws (Federal Framework Law on Higher Education, Federal Law on the Promotion of Education, etc.) The functions of a number of organisations (Federal Ministries, DAAD, Alexander Humboldt Organisation, Conference of German Rectors, German Students' Organisation) responsible for promoting student mobility are described. It is established that their powers include: financing student mobility programmes, establishing cooperation with foreign universities, etc. The authors state that the regulatory framework for academic mobility in German universities is formed at the appropriate level and is in line with global and regional trends. Being at the origins of the Bologna process, Germany has gradually and systematically reformed the regulatory framework in accordance with the main provisions of the Bologna agreements. It has its own Internationalisation Strategy, which guarantees the involvement of universities in this process and thus the basis for the development of academic mobility of students of these universities. This can explain the high level and balance of student mobility in Germany.

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