Valuable determination of the formation of professional competencies of future history teachers
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value determination, professional competences, pedagogical skill, innovativeness, reflexivity, future history teachers

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Valuable determination of the formation of professional competencies of future history teachers. (2024). Pedeutology, 2(1), 77-87.


The article investigates the critical importance of cultivating professional competences in future history teachers. It argues that fostering these competences is not just a technical exercise, but a fundamental element in preparing educators who can significantly impact student development and shape their worldview. The purpose of the article is to study the value determination of the formation of professional competences of future teachers of history. The value determination is a fundamental element in the training of professional competent history teachers who are able to effectively influence the development of students and shape their worldview orientations. The article emphasizes the importance of pedagogical skill, encompassing: teaching skill (the ability to design, implement, and assess effective learning experiences in history), innovation (the capacity to adapt and develop new teaching methods to address the evolving needs of students and the educational landscape), reflexivity (the ability to critically self-evaluate teaching practices, analyze student learning outcomes, and continuously improve instruction). By nurturing these interconnected competences, the article proposes that future history teachers will be better equipped to: effectively influence student development (this includes fostering critical thinking, historical awareness, and a well-rounded understanding of the past), shape worldview orientations (effective history teachers can guide students in developing a deeper understanding of the world, their place within it, and the values that shape human societies), adapt to modern educational challenges (the ability to innovate and reflect allows teachers to remain current with evolving pedagogical approaches and address the needs of a rapidly changing world). Overall, the article positions the development of professional competences as a cornerstone in preparing history educators who can significantly contribute to a well-informed and engaged citizenry.

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