Methods of Organizing Independent Work in German Language Classes


independent work, teaching methods, motivation, innovative teaching methods, educational activities

How to Cite

Methods of Organizing Independent Work in German Language Classes. (2025). Pedeutology, 2(2), 49-58.


The purpose of the article is to investigate and experimentally evaluate methods for organizing independent work in German language lessons within secondary educational institutions. The following methods were employed to address the tasks: structural, systemic, theoretical (including analysis, synthesis, systematization, comparison, and classification of scientific and psychological sources of information). The theoretical material and conclusions presented in this study can serve as a foundation for master's theses and diploma projects. The proposed methods for organizing students' independent work in German language lessons can be applied in the educational process, particularly during lectures and practical classes. We conclude that the selection of an educational trajectory during the period of study at school or university is a collaborative process between the teacher and the student, aimed at developing the student's independent learning skills, setting appropriate educational goals and tasks, choosing methods, forms, means, and content of learning, as well as fostering reflection, self-assessment of personal achievements, and the development of initiative and responsibility in decision-making and problem-solving. The prospects for further research in this area lie in exploring methods for motivating students at the initial stage of forming educational goals and objectives, as well as identifying approaches for self-reflection to enhance outcomes.



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