Actual problems of physical education and methods of sports training

Academic Journal

No. 2 (2024)
Modern ports training system and the problems of its improvement

Theoretical training of kayakers and canoeists

Bohuslavska Victoria
Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsyubynskyi
Balakhtin Denis
Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsyubynskyi

Published 2024-12-18


  • theoretical training, means, stage of preliminary training, rowers

How to Cite

Theoretical training of kayakers and canoeists. (2024). Actual Problems of Physical Education and Methods of Sports Training, 2, 41-49.


Theoretical training of rowers at the stage of specialized basic training. By systematically mastering theoretical knowledge, rowers can more effectively plan and execute training programs, as well as adapt their strategies during competitions according to the specifics of the conditions and competitive environment. This approach contributes to increasing the level of sportsmanship and achieving success in the international arena. Despite the importance of theoretical training, the scientific and methodological literature on rowing has significant gaps in substantiating the structure and content of this training, as well as uneven coverage of the subject at different stages of training, and sometimes even its absence.

The purpose of the study: to determine the peculiarities of the theoretical training of rowers on kayaks and canoes. Research methods. Theoretical research methods were used in the work: analysis, comparison, induction, deduction, systematization and generalization of scientific and methodical literature.

Results. The stage of preliminary basic training determines the fundamental aspects of the physical, technical and tactical development of rowers. It is at this stage that they get the necessary knowledge about the biomechanical principles of movement execution, as well as the basics of the training process and competition strategies. Theoretical training includes the study of movement theory, analysis of rowing technique, study of the rules and regulations of sports competitions, as well as familiarization with the principles of physiology and psychology of sports activities.

Conclusions. Scientific studies confirm the importance of theoretical training in the process of forming the sportsmanship of rowers at the stage of preliminary basic training. In this context, theoretical training acts as a necessary element that contributes not only to the understanding of the basic principles and techniques of rowing, but also to the improvement of sports skills and the achievement of high results in sports competitions.


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