- тренувальний процес, футбол, структура, підготовчий період, втягувальні мікроцикли
The question of the construction and content of the training process of highly qualified players in recent years is at the stage of intensive development, which is connected with the availability of a large amount of information on the application of modern directions of optimization of the system of management and control of the training of athletes in the countries of the world with a developed system of the sports industry. The article highlights the results of the experimental substantiation of the model for building the training process of a football team of a high professional level in the engaging mesocycle of the preparatory period. Approbation of the developed training model took place in different climatic conditions. The purpose of the study is to experimentally substantiate the structure and content of the training process of highly qualified football players in an engaging mesocycle of annual training. Research material and methods. Methods: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature and data presented on the Internet; pedagogical testing; methods of functional diagnostics; a pedagogical (sequential) experiment was conducted; methods of mathematical and statistical analysis. The study was conducted during 2021-2022 on the basis of the football club FC "Rukh" (Lviv), the team consisted of 30 qualified football players who participated in all stages of the study. Research results. A model of training in an engaging mesocycle was developed, which aimed to facilitate the process of organizing the training of highly qualified football players. It was implemented in different organizational conditions (mountain and sea climate). It was determined that in the conditions of the sea coast there is a greater increase in the results in the tests that characterize the manifestation of speed and speed-strength qualities, in mountain conditions – in the tests that reflect the general and special endurance. Main conclusions. The obtained positive changes in indicators of the functional state and physical fitness of qualified football players testify to the effectiveness of the proposed training model in the engaging mesocycle, regardless of the climatic conditions of the training process.
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