Actual problems of physical education and methods of sports training

Academic Journal

No. 1 (2024)
Modern ports training system and the problems of its improvement

Efficiency of the application of the program for the improvement of special coordination skills in the training of young football players

Tetiana Vozniuk
Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University
Vadym Voloshynskyi
Municipal Institution "Vinnytsia Regional Children and Youth Football School "Nyva"

Published 2024-06-23


  • programming, football, stage of preliminary basic training, dexterity, balance, equilibrium

How to Cite

Efficiency of the application of the program for the improvement of special coordination skills in the training of young football players. (2024). Actual Problems of Physical Education and Methods of Sports Training, 1, 63-75.


Topicality. A high level of development of coordination among young football players affects the assimilation of new game techniques, their improvement due to the combination of various actions, the ability to analyze the game situation and find a quick solution in complex motor tasks, the rational application of technical and tactical actions in accordance with the situations that arise, with an assessment time, space, dosage of muscular effort. The purpose of the research is to develop and experimentally determine the effectiveness of a training program for improving special coordination abilities in young football players of the group of preliminary basic training. Research material and methods. The set goal was solved on the basis of the following methods: analysis, generalization and systematization of literary sources and Internet data; pedagogical observation; pedagogical testing; pedagogical experiment; methods of mathematical statistics. 32 athletes of the groups of preliminary basic training of the first year of study took part in the study, the age of football players was 10-11 years. Research results. For the development of coordination abilities, a large number of various general preparatory and special exercises were used, which were arranged in groups. The expansion of exercise groups took place due to the use of modern training equipment and inventory, including fitball balls, coordination ladders, BOSU balancing hemispheres, etc. The positive effect of using the developed training program for 8 weeks was determined by the results of repeated testing. According to all indicators reflecting the level of special coordination abilities, there were statistically significant changes relative to the results of the control group. Main conclusions. The improvement in results in the experimental group ranged from 3.3% in shuttle running to 76.2% in ball juggling. This may indicate greater effectiveness of the applied methodology for development and improvement of coordination abilities relative to the existing traditional approach.


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