Actual problems of physical education and methods of sports training

Academic Journal

No. 1 (2024)
Modern ports training system and the problems of its improvement

Analysis of the competitive activity of highly qualified field hockey players

Stanislav Konnov
Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University

Published 2024-06-24


  • field hockey, national teams, highly qualified athletes, structure of technical and tactical activity, modes of coordination complexity, model values

How to Cite

Analysis of the competitive activity of highly qualified field hockey players. (2024). Actual Problems of Physical Education and Methods of Sports Training, 1, 87-101.


Topicality. Control and analysis of the competitive activity of athletes is a key link in the general system of sports training. The analysis of the competitive activity of athletes in the Olympic sport of field hockey is determined by the modern demands of the theory and practice of this sport. The purpose of the study is to determine the structure of the competitive activity of highly qualified field hockey players, taking into account the modes of coordination complexity of performing technical and tactical actions (TTА). Research material and methods. Highly qualified athletes, members of the national field hockey team of Ukraine (n=24) participated in the research. Sports qualification - master of sports of Ukraine. Consent to participate in the research was obtained from the players. The research was conducted during the 2021 sports season. The followinq methods were used in the research: theoretical analysis of literary sources, pedagogical observation, video recording of competitive activities, methods of mathematical statistics.

Research results. The structure of the competitive activity of the players of the national field hockey team of Ukraine was determined: trappinqs – 25.4%, passes – 32.4%, dribbling – 6.4%, cirelinqs – 16.3%, tackles - 11.8%, interceptions – 6.4%, shots on goal – 1.3%. The ratio of the use of TTA in different modes of coordination complexity (RCC) is established. The most complex field hockey techniques include dribbles, ball clearances, and goal kicks, which are mostly performed in conditions of active interference by the opponent, i.e., in the 3rd RCC.

Conclusions. Control and analysis of competitive activity in field hockey is carried out on the basis of an integral evaluation of the performance of TTA, which consists of six specific coefficients - intensity, mobility, aggressiveness, efficiency, effectiveness of martial arts, creativity coefficient. The values of each of these coefficients characterize the competitive activity of players taking into account the modes of coordination complexity of performing TTA and can be considered as models in the management of the training process of highly qualified athletes.


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