Theory and practice of formative assessment in geometry lessons: a review of foreign publications 2024-12-26
- feedback,
- student motivation,
- student achievement in mathematics,
- formative assessment,
- assessment for learning
- self-regulated assessment ...More
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Formative assessment plays an important role in modern education. Formative assessment is an assessment that takes place throughout the learning process. Therefore, teachers have an important role to play in mastering appropriate approaches to formative assessment. According to previous research, some teachers are unable to understand the role of formative assessment in learning, which prevents them from using it effectively in the classroom. Because of this problem, many researchers have conducted studies related to the practice of formative assessment in schools.
The article discusses the problem of formative assessment, which is becoming increasingly relevant in the world and Ukrainian pedagogical practice, in particular in the context of teaching geometry. Formative assessment, which was developed in the second half of the twentieth century, involves not only testing knowledge, but also providing constructive feedback aimed at adjusting the learning process. The article analyses the results of foreign studies that show the positive impact of formative assessment on students' academic performance, development of critical thinking, motivation and independence. The article emphasises the need to integrate this approach into mathematics teaching in Ukraine, taking into account foreign experience. Particular attention is paid to the psychological aspects of implementing assessment and the use of new technologies to improve learning.
Formative assessment is seen as a tool that adapts to the individual needs of students, stimulates self-regulation, and promotes a deeper understanding of geometric concepts.
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