Modern digital technologies for implementing formative assessment in mathematics lessons 2024-12-26
- formative assessment,
- digital technologies,
- Desmos
Copyright (c) 2024 Іван Хутченко

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The article is dedicated to the integration of contemporary digital technologies into the process of formative assessment in mathematics lessons, specifically focusing on the use of the Desmos platform. With the advancement of information technologies, new opportunities have emerged to enhance the effectiveness of formative assessment, particularly through providing timely feedback and adapting instruction to meet the individual needs of students. However, in Ukraine formative assessment is still often considered as a formal practice limited to one or several basic stages. The article examines the problems of introducing digital tools into the educational process and analyzes the experience of using Desmos to implement formative assessment. The platform allows teachers to create interactive tasks that help students better understand the material and track their own progress. Desmos also provides visualization of abstract mathematical concepts, which supports a deeper understanding of the material. Special attention is given to the importance of reflection and self-analysis for students, enabling them to recognize their successes and mistakes. The article emphasizes that the use of Desmos promotes active student engagement in the learning process, helps organize individualized instruction, and provides effective feedback. The conclusions highlight that, due to the flexibility and interactive capabilities of this application, teachers can not only organize and manage student learning activities but also ensure their active participation and independent learning. Additionally, the conclusions address the need for further research into the impact of the Desmos platform on students' academic achievements in the long term.
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