



health, mature age, spatial organisation of the body, figure, anthropometric characteristics


The relevance of the research topic lies in the challenges faced by mature individuals today in terms of professional and physical development, as well as the preservation and formation of their own health in conditions of socio-economic and political instability, and constant psychological stress. The spatial organization of the body should be defined as an external manifestation of the morphological and functional unity of the human body. The formation of the spatial organization of the human body occurs within the framework of an individual development program and is biologically and socially determined; however, its disruption can lead to a number of illnesses. The aim of the article is to determine the morphological characteristics of women with different body types. Methods included theoretical analysis of specialized scientific-methodical literature, anthropometry, and methods of mathematical statistics. Results and key conclusions. The anthropometric characteristics of women in the early stages of mature age vary depending on body type. For instance, in women with an asthenic body type, body weight (actual and ideal), body mass index, and Rohrer’s index are significantly lower than in picnics and normosthenic body types, body length is greater than in other types, and the deviation of actual body weight from ideal is considerably lower compared to women of picnic type, but similar to those with normosthenic body type. Women with a picnic body type statistically exceeded the other types of women in terms of weight, body mass index, Rohrer’s index, ideal body weight and deviation of actual weight from ideal weight. Their body length was much shorter than that of women with other body types. Women with normosthenic body type in terms of actual and ideal body weight, body mass index and Rohrer's index significantly exceeded the corresponding parameters in asthenic  individuals, and at the same time they were much smaller than women with picnic body type. Body length, on the contrary, was greater than in picnic type and less than in asthenic women. The deviation of the actual weight from the ideal weight was significantly lower compared to women of the picnic type, but did not significantly differ from those with the asthenic body type.

Author Biography

  • Marina Stopa

    Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла
    Коцюбинського, вул.Острозького, 32, м.Вінниця, 21001


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