Textbook as an element of the educational space of a bachelor of mathematics in the conditions of blended learning in Ukraine
Published 2024-10-17
- educational space of a bachelor of mathematics, digital textbook in higher mathematics, visualization of educational content, computer mathematics systems, blended learning
Copyright (c) 2024 Мар’яна Ковтонюк, Олена Соя, Оксана Туржанська, Олена Косовець, Іванна Леонова (Автор)

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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The article considers the peculiarities of creating and functioning of a textbook (digital textbook) in higher mathematics for bachelors of mathematics in a blended learning environment in Ukraine, and reviews the literature on the topic.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the problems and prospects of creating new type of textbooks and digital manuals in mathematical disciplines for higher education institutions in a blended learning environment in Ukraine.
The features of a modern digital textbook in mathematical disciplines in the preparation of a bachelor of mathematics are discussed:
1) theoretical aspects of creating textbooks in the educational space of the bachelor of mathematics in the conditions of mixed learning in Ukraine;
2) structure and content of the digital textbook in accordance with the current regulatory framework and practical experience of teachers;
3) techniques of visualization of educational material in mathematical disciplines and demonstration of some of them in the author’s textbooks;
4) the use of CMC and digital technologies in textbooks based on a sound mathematical idea; the main criterion for the effectiveness of the use of mathematical programs in teaching higher mathematics is the availability of a methodological system for their use;
5) the results of the questionnaire, which indicate a positive attitude of students to the use of CMC in the study of mathematical disciplines; according to students, the role of programs for mathematical purposes in teaching should be auxiliary.
It is shown that a high-quality digital textbook ensures the formation of not only the mathematical culture of a future specialist, but also the formation of such basic competencies as the ability and willingness to self-learn, apply knowledge, skills and abilities to work with computer mathematics systems, self-education and future professional activity. The use of a digital textbook integrated into the learning technology designed and implemented by the teacher allows him or her to choose their own creative strategy and methodology for teaching students.
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