Content requirements
- The article submitted for publication should consists of, at least, eight pages (min.15 000 characters without spaces).
- The article text should comply with the requirements of the State Accreditation Commission of Ukraine. In accordance with the requirements, the following structural elements are mandatory (they are marked as separate headings and sub-heading in the article text):
the problem statement
the analysis of recent research and prior publications
the purpose of the article
the main material of the research
the conclusions of the research and the prospects of further scientific research in a definite direction
- The article is accompanied by two summaries in the Ukrainian (it should be minimum 1000 characters in length, without spaces) and English (it should be minimum 3000 characters in length, without spaces) languages, respectively. The summary should briefly outline the study’s relevance, purpose, aim, results and conclusions. The summary is accompanied by keywords (up to 7 terms). The References section should be given at the end of the article. References in Ukrainian and other languages that use the Cyrillic alphabet are translated in English.