Formatting requirements
- The submission is in MS Word, all margin settings 20 mm, font Times New Roman, 12-point text, style normal (regular), 1,5 line spacing, indent the first line of each paragraph by 0,75 mm.
- Examples should be given in italicswithout underscore and inverted commas; investigated unit – bold italics; double quotation marks (double inverted commas) are to be used for definitions; quotations within the text should be formatted with round brackets as follows: (T. Shevchenko).
- Dash ( – ) and hyphen (-) are to be distinguished; quotation marks format – «» («text»); abbreviation like etc. and surnames initials are permissible (for example O. Gnatyuk); the number of the page on which the quoted material appears should be formatted with non-breaking space (Ctrl + Shift + space key). To avoid unnecessary gaps toggle the display of non-printing characters. When this is enabled, KWord shows you tabs, spaces, carriage returns and other non-printing characters.
- Double quotation marks (double inverted commas) «» are to be used for quoted words and phrases, except in the case of a quote within a quote – "" are preferable.
- In-text references should be given in round brackets with the surname of the author, year of edition and the page number, e.g. (Tkach, 2020, p. 345).
The structure of the article:
- the first line: UDC code, left alignment;
- next line: the title of the paper in bold italics, centered, capitalized, left alignment;
- next line: name, surname of the author, left alignment;
- next line: the educational institution where the author works or studies, left alignment.
- leave one blank line: abstract in Ukrainian and keywords;
- leave one blank line: the same information (title of the article, information about the author, Abstract) in English;
- leave one blank line: the body of the article;
- аt the end of the article: REFERENCES in alphabetical order, numbered;
- leave one blank line: information about the author (the author’s name and surname, affiliation) in Ukrainian and English, e-mail of the author, ORCID iD author number (you can get it on the website ).