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Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine,

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NSD (Norwegian Centre for Research Data AS), 

ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences). 

Languages of Publication: Ukrainian, English

Focus and Scope: Scientific Notes of Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi Vinnytsia State Pedagogical UniversitySeries Philology/Linguistics publishes scientific papers that make a significant contribution to the fields of cognitive linguistics, contrastive linguistics, communicative linguistics, dialectology and onomastics, discourse studies, functional semantics, intercultural communication, philology, psycholinguistics, philosophy of language, pragmatics, text linguistics, the language of modern media, translation studies, etc.

Each published article is assigned a DOI.

Archiving: The Journal is archived at Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, State Scientific and Pedagogical Library of Ukraine, the State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine, and other leading scientific libraries.