Submission requirements
Materials that have not been published previously and that demonstrate the results of the research are accepted for publication, provided that they are meticulously proofread.
The articles are subject to a double-blind peer review by experts in the relevant field for compliance with the requirements of structural, content, and technical design, as well as the requirements for articles in the ISSCI. Articles that meet these requirements will be recommended for publication by the decision of the editorial board. The author may be requested to revise the article or continue working on the material.The Editorial Board reserves the right to review, edit, and reject articles. Articles submitted that do not comply with the requirements will not be considered.The author(s) are responsible for the content of the publication, the accuracy of the information presented, the author's compliance with the principles of academic integrity, and the correctness of translation and transliteration.
The reprinting of journal materials is permitted exclusively with the author's and the editorial board's consent.The publication of an article in a collection signifies the automatic consent of the author(s) to disseminate its electronic version on the collection's website and on the platform "Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine" in the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
The submission of an article to the editorial board of a journal constitutes the author's declaration that:
a) the text is the author's original work and is not subject to any legal defects; it has not been previously published, in whole or in part, and is not currently under review by another journal;
b) the author consents to the publication of the text in the edition of "Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University. The "Philology (Linguistics)" series is characterized by its unlimited distribution over time and territory, including the publication of issues on the Internet.
c) The Editorial Board grants consent for free inclusion in the scientometric databases of scientific journals on the web (CNS) and other databases with which it cooperates. In addition to the text itself, this consent covers basic data about the article, including its abstract, keywords, and personal data of the author (name and surname, place of work, e-mail address).
The journal's editorial board is responsible for the registration of DOIs for articles.
To publish the article, the author/authors should send the following materials via e-mail (contact person: Yulia Radnevich, tel. +38 067 878 62 11):
1) the article text formatted according to the author guidelines in a .doc file;
2) author's contact details in Ukrainian and English in a .doc file: surname, name, degree, academic rank, position, place of employment (study), postal address, e-mail, telephone number, ORCID.
3) scanned confirmation of the paid article publication charges;
4) for postgraduate students and researchers without an academic degree: a scanned copy of the internal review written by the scientific supervisor;
Publishing an article in the Journal involves the author’s agreement to publish it in the Web of Science and on the Internet.