

  • SERHII ZAHORODNII кандидат педагогічних наук, доцентВінницький державний педагогічнийуніверситет імені Михайла Коцюбинськоговул. Острозького, 32, м. Вінниця
  • NATALIA IVANICHKINA graduate student of the Department of Pedagogy,Vocational Education andManagement of Educational InstitutionsVinnytsia Mykhailo KotsiubynskyiState Pedagogical UniversityOstrozhskogo str.32, Vinnytsia


Key words: educational tourism, pedagogically organized tourist-educational activity, international educational program, social self-realization, practice-oriented component of education.


The article considers the tendencies of development of student educational tourism. A brief overview of the historical basis of the emergence of educational tourism is given, student educational tourism is characterized as a socio-economic phenomenon, definition of "educational tourism" is analyzed from the point of view of domestic and foreign scientists. Certain international educational programs and projects are singled out, the characteristic of the typical program of the educational language tour is given. Leading role in the development of educational tourism belongs to specialists in the field of education. Pedagogically correctly organized tourist and educational activities of students contribute to the formation and development of professionally significant competencies of future professionals. Modern innovative processes in science and education are actively developing pedagogical theory and practice. Some educational technologies that have been successfully used before and today are relevant because they are based on the fundamental principles of education and upbringing. Such technologies, of course, include educational tourism, which is now widely used in various educational systems, is evaluated by teachers as a highly effective practice-orientedlearning technology and at the same time as a form of organization of the educational process. Practically-oriented learning technology ensures the unity of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Educational tourism can be considered both in terms ofconsumer activity and the quality of the economic category, which implies the stages of formation, distribution and consumption of tourism educational product. There are many approaches to the interpretation of the concept of educational tourism, reflecting its various components. Education and tourism, which complement each other and are present differently in certain cases of educational tourism, remain key. This area is especially important for students because it provides an opportunity to analyze, hone the acquired knowledge and skills, and apply them in practice, to master new ones necessary for successful development in their professional field. The growing popularity of foreign internships among students of Ukrainian free economic zones can be a factor in the development of educational tourism, if the main goal of students is to study. Comparativedata on the number of participants in international educational programs among students of Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsyubynsky are given. Emphasis is placed on the potential of student educational tourism as a powerful factor in strengthening the practice-oriented component of higher education student learning.


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