DOI 10.31652/2415-7872-2022-71-18-22


  • LIUDMYLA GUSAK Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of the Foreign Languages Department for Humanities of Lesia Ukrainka Volyn National University
  • HEDZ HEDZ Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor. Head of the Foreign Languages Department for Humanities of Lesia Ukrainka Volyn National University


: creativity, creative abilities, associative teaching/learning, the method of associative symbols, ASM, foreign languages, associative teaching methods, English, younger pupils.


The article reveals the role of the associative teaching of the foreign language in the development of younger pupils' creativity. The problem of forming younger pupils' creative abilities has not been resolved to a certain extent. A special attention is paid to the method of associative symbols in the process of teaching English to primary school pupils. A relevant theoretical justification is presented in the article. It was discovered that associative zones directly affect the process remembering of a very complex information, especially in elementary school pupils. The study takes into account a set of conditions that cause the emergence of verbal associations, because they are based on personal, subjective experience. It is proven that elementary school pupils learn foreign words much faster if the words are related with a particular image or association, which conforms to the associative symbol method, which is one of the most effective ways to semantise the lexical unit. The method of associative symbols is the language of movements, gestures, facial expressions, our body language, and code language of ideas and associations. It is a game method that improves the perception and reproduction of information, relying on the ability to imagine and fantasize inherent in every child. With the help of vivid children's imagination, images of any lexical or grammatical unit are created. A child remembers a word much faster if it is associated with a specific image or action. The method of associative symbols (ASM) involves learning through simulation as close as possible to reality. It is proven that the use of the associative symbol method in learning of a foreign language allows younger pupils to perceive language material with the help of all analyzers: visual, auditory, speech and motor ones. The usage of the method of associative symbols in the process of teaching English to younger pupils contributes to the memorization of a significant array of lexical units and promotes the development of their creativity.


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