DOI 10.31652/2415-7872-2022-71-61-65


  • OLENA PRIADKO кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент доцент кафедри музичного мистецтва Кам’янець-Подільський національний університет імені Івана Огієнка


professional-pedagogical communication, music teacher, creative activity, interpersonal interaction, joint creativity.


The article examines the peculiarities of professional and pedagogical communication of a music teacher as an important component of his professional competence. The ability to establish successful interpersonal interaction with students in class is a leading tool of pedagogical influence. Communication skills are part of the teacher's professional activity. Building effective communication with students in the classroom is a complex process that requires creativity, flexible response to the dynamics of interaction with the student, readiness to change tactics in interaction in accordance with the requirements of a specific pedagogical situation. The purpose of writing the article is to study the peculiarities of the professional pedagogical communication of the music teacher, ways of forming the communicative competences of the future teacher- musician.

Considering the professional-pedagogical communication of a music teacher, specific features of such interaction were singled out, namely: the emotional coloring of communication in the lesson, the possibility of having an emotional and aesthetic influence on the student during joint music-making, the mandatory presence of creative cooperation with the teacher, the need for deep personal disclosure as teacher and pupils. Joint creativity, which is the interaction of a student and a teacher in a music lesson, involves the establishment of a high degree of trust between communicators, which is possible if they are united by their love for art, admiration for it. Effective means of establishing productive interaction in the music lesson are the reception of psychological influence on the student, such as emotional contagion, suggestions in pedagogical work. An important condition for the formation of a positive atmosphere in the class, which would stimulate children to reveal creative manifestations, is the prediction of a positive reaction to the manifestation of creativity, independence in judgments, interpretive approaches in the interpretation of a musical work.


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