DOI 10.31652/2415-7872-2022-71-37-42


  • IRYNA SUKHOPARA PhD in Pedagogic sciences, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
  • SHPITSA SHPITSA PhD in Pedagogic sciences, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University


emotions, feelings, emotional experience, emotional-sensory experience, primary school pupil.


Trends in the development of modern education encourage the activation of the emotional sphere of the schoolboy. Enrichment of the emotional and sensory experience of younger schoolchildren is determined by one of the tasks of primary education. The art education sector has a significant potential for solving these problems, since works of art directly affect the emotions of pupil, encourage vivid expression, discussion, understanding of their impact on a person, and give impetus to one's own creativity. The purpose of the article is to theoretically analyze and highlight the practical aspects of enriching the emotional and sensory experience of younger schoolchildren during the study of the art education field. When writing the article, such methods as the analysis of scientific sources, systematization and generalization of data were used in order to identify the state of the investigated problem. The essence of the concepts «emotional experience», «sensory experience» was analyzed and revealed. An understanding of the emotional-sensual experience of younger schoolchildren as a multifaceted personal formation is presented, which is represented by a set of ideas, knowledge, abilities, skills in the emotional sphere, which are acquired in the process of direct practical interaction with the world and determine the system of attitudes and values of a person. It was determined that elementary school age is a sensitive period of the process of development of the emotional and sensory sphere of the individual. The main skills of pupil of primary education in the study of art educational field are considered. Factors that affect the enrichment of the emotional and sensory experience of younger schoolchildren during the study of the integrated course "Art" are presented: the selection of works of art that evoke an emotional response, excite the feelings of students; reaction, analysis, commenting, assessment of works of art, their fragments that evoke emotions, feelings; singling out and focusing attention on bright moments when getting acquainted with works of art, showing an emotional and sensual attitude towards them; involvement in creative activity that excites, evokes bright emotions, feelings, stimulates the activity of schoolchildren; application of elements of art therapy, psychogymnastics; emotionally oriented tasks.


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