DOI 10.31652/2415-7872-2022-71-127-133


  • IRINA SARANCHA Candidate of рedagogical sciences(Ph. D), associate professor of pedagogy, vocational education and management of educational institutions Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University
  • VERONIKA STASYUK Master of Psychology Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University


Key words: socio-psychological adaptation, quasi-adaptation, combatants, veterans, military serviceman, social worker, psychologist, age category, deviant behavior.


The article highlights the peculiarities of the process of socio-psychological adaptation of veterans to the conditions of peaceful life. The article is an important element in understanding the main mechanisms of successful socio-psychological adaptation of persons returning from the war and the analysis of the level of socio-psychological adaptation of veterans depending on age characteristics.

Basic information about purpose, tasks, functions of social and psychological adaptation of veterans. The multi-level and long process of adaptation, which is not a simplified version of a person's adaptation to the environment, but an active interaction of an individual and society in a new form of organization of society at a higher level, stands out. It should be noted the legal basis of social guarantees of a participant in hostilities.

This article provides important information about the synthesis of methods of socio-psychological adaptation of veterans and their needs in the implementation of the main directions of adaptation, which can be applied to the comprehensive work of a specialist in social work and other specialists. This paper analyzes in detail the interdependence of successful adaptation and the age characteristics of a combatant, which makes it clear the importance of a comprehensive approach to the adaptation process with the involvement of other veterans in the "equal to equal" methodology, because mutual assistance of veterans is a key point for improving the process of adaptation of combatants in Ukraine.



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