DOI 10.31652/2415-7872-2022-70-18-23


  • HANNA ZADOROZHNA Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Professional Methods, Lecturer of the highest category, Communal institution of higher education "Barsky Humanitarian and Pedagogical College named after Mykhailo Hrushevskyi


rights, moral and legal education, model and experimental methods of legal education of children, rules of conduct, semantic and methodological principles of the model.


The article presents a model of the process of legal education of children aged 6-7 in the interaction of family and educational institution, which reflects the main components, their interaction and is implemented in three stages: information and enrichment (acquaintance of children with international human rights instruments; expansion of children's ideas about their own rights and responsibilities), emotional and personal (formation of children's ideas about moral and legal values ​​and norms, awareness of rights and freedoms as an important prerequisite for joint life of people in the social environment), behavioral and corrective children's awareness of rights and freedoms as a regulator of human relations in the social environment, the formation of socio-legal skills and abilities to comply with and implement socially accepted rules). To ensure the content and methodological foundations of the model, a method of legal education of children aged 6-7 in the interaction of family and educational institutions was developed. The developed program "We know our rights and do not forget about responsibilities" for children 6-7 years old, which sets out the content of children's legal ideas and forms and methods of experimental methods, covered the following sections: "Little man's rights". "Rights of a small citizen", "Social and cultural rights of children". The results of the study indicate a dynamic positive change in the formation of legal education of children 6-7 years of experimental groups under the influence of the proposed model and experimental methods of legal education of children.


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