

  • TETYANA BRYK Candidate of pedagogical sciences professor of foreign language department Kharkiv National Air Force University
  • IRYNA GRYGOROVA IRYNA GRYGOROVA Associate professor of foreign language department Kharkiv National Air Force University
  • ELEONORA KHARATYAN teacher of foreign language department Kharkiv National Air Force Universit


Key words: psychological barriers, foreign language, cadets, situation of success, motivation


In the modern world mastering the English language is an important condition for professional development in the military sphere of activity. In the process of studying English at a military university future officers must achieve a high level of English competence. At the same time English is gradually turning into the language of professional education and daily professional and military communication. The purpose of the article is to characterize the manifestations of psychological barriers that may arise in cadets in the process of learning a foreign language and to determine methodical ways to overcome them. A psychological barrier is understood as an internal obstacle of a psychological nature that prevents the successful performance of a certain activity. They distinguish three main groups of psychological barriers: cognitive, emotional and communicative. The cognitive barrier is characterized by a lack of understanding of the content of information. Emotional barriers in the process of learning a foreign language are due to the desire for recognition of authority, a high level of anxiety, inadequate self-esteem, often underestimated. Communicative barriers in the process of learning a foreign language are characterized by stiffness, insecurity and confusion of cadets in various communication situations, the cause of which is insufficient knowledge of the language.

A major role in overcoming barriers is played by the foreign language teacher, whose task is to create a favorable atmosphere, provide advice and recommendations to cadets in the process of practical lessons, as well as organize extracurricular activities that are held in a foreign language and help to combat this problem.

Work on overcoming psychological barriers requires not only close attention from the teacher, but also hard work and specific efforts from the cadets themselves (under the guidance of the teacher).

After jointly overcoming these barriers, language learning not only becomes more effective but also brings pleasure to both cadets and teacher.



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