DOI 10.31652/2415-7872-2021-68-106-111


  • OLENA SHAMANSKA Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages, Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • NELIA BURLAKA Associate Professor Vinnitsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University


education of adults in Ukraine, system of general educational conception, thinking type, development, effective way of life.


In the article the features of functioning of adult education are researching in the system of general educational conception in Ukraine. Also, the article defines the essence and value of the concept of adult education in the system of general educational conception. The conducted researches showed that education of adults follows to explain as one of the powerful directions of democratization in the process of society development and transformation. It takes place through realization of the own rights and duties, forming of the proper legal culture and civil consciousness, society. The conducted analysis showed that the adult education, unlike other structural constituents of the education system, can be realized in different forms, such as: formal, informal and informational. The authors determined the basic components that characterize education of adults, among them: postgraduate education of different specialities and directions of activity; preparation and retraining of skilled workers; formation of unemployed population; education of adult persons and education of persons with the special necessities; health saving education and other. At the same time, the technology of studies is directly an educational process and it is not informing, but comes forward as activity. In the process of such activity adults acquire corresponding decision experience of difficult questions and situations. Also, the process of studies of adult students is not only knowledge but also corresponding type of thinking, and also it is the communication features. On the other hand, the authors underline that the participants of adult education rethink about the vital values and follow forward to the receipt of new level of knowledge, concepts, corresponding options of consciousness and behavior. Taking into account the social development and historical experience the authors formed six strategic components of adult education development in the article. And right these components need considerable attention exactly in Ukraine. The leading tendency of modern education of adults is the transformation, expansion of the semantic field. In present education on the whole and education of adults in particular, everything it is in a greater degree stopped to identify only with formal studies.


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