Teacher preparation for implementation of E-learning in the educational process of a German high school


e-learning, distance learning, online computer learning, Internet learning, blended learning, exclusively virtual learning

How to Cite

Teacher preparation for implementation of E-learning in the educational process of a German high school. (2023). Pedeutology, 1(1), 14-20. https://doi.org/10.31652/3041-1203-2023(1)-14-20


The article examines the problem of using electronic learning (E-learning) in the training of future teachers in German universities, which is a fairly new and at the same time promising direction of comparative pedagogy. This problem has gained particularly active development in recent years, which is largely due to the spread of digital forms of education, which were recognized in Germany as a special category of the latest educational technologies. It is assumed that the constant introduction of new pedagogical technologies will provide wider opportunities for the development of pedagogical universities in Germany and maintain competitiveness in the international market of educational services. It is believed that successful e-learning scenarios take into account the necessary didactic conditions of learning in different contexts, such as authentic or social learning contexts, and provide substantial digital support for learning materials. The authors consider the use of digital learning tools, which have a differentiated presentation and characterize the most widespread types of e-learning used in the training of future teachers in Germany, and cover the modern spectrum of posting event scenarios and lecture materials on the Internet for fully virtual teaching, namely: computer online computer training, internet training, blended learning, exclusively virtual training, and distance training on the Internet. An important aspect of e-learning is the tools and media for its implementation, which include software for portals, a system for managing administrative functions (personnel management and student management), course management, a learning platform, and tools for creating and collaborating on a network. E-learning is widely used in German universities; it supports learning processes through the use of various digital technologies that provide operations in various ways. Teachers are offered a choice of teaching and learning scenarios, and the e-semester reserve is aimed at further supporting classroom teaching.



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